Scared Heart High School Promotional video
Type of video:
School promotional video
Age group:
Secondary school
Shoot duration:
2 days
Services used:
Two day video package and drone services
The Brief
We made a number of videos for Sacred Heart High School – an 11-18 Catholic comprehensive girls’ school with Academy status under the trusteeship of the Society of the Sacred Heart. Located on the busy Hammersmith roundabout in London but hidden behind ancient walls Sacred Heart is a truly unique school.
We worked closely with Alexandra Dijkhuis-Communications, Policy & Development. They wanted to make some videos to improve the marketing of the school, with the intention of featuring the videos on the school web site and on social media.
We sat down with Alex to brainstorm her ideas, ultimately creating a captivating narrative and developing informative scripts for the videos. We instigated a focus group with a collection of students to talk about the school and what it meant to be a student at Sacred Heart. These sessions proved very fruitful and help form the basis for the video. The sessions were both enlightening and interesting, throwing up all sorts of great ideas that maybe the ‘adults’ would not of thought of! Read on to see how we made the Sacred Heart High School promotional video

The Solution
As well as the Sacred Heart High School school promotional video we also made a video to highlight the schools unique rowing offering. Rowing at Scared Heart takes place on the Thames and is based at Fulham Reach Rowing Club. It forms part of the P.E. lessons but for the truly dedicated sportswomen it requires a very early morning start time. We set our alarms very early so we too could be there to film the girls in action on on the river Thames.
Sacred Heart High School Promotional video – The Outcome
Our pre-production communication with Alex was key to the success of the shoot. We gave Sacred Heart High School a very detailed guidance document that helped the school in terms of planning the shoot days. This ensured that the school featured the right things in the Sacred Heart High School Promotional video, and were properly prepared so they could really make good use of the actual filming time. Our team are really good at working with young people, and we understand how to get the best out of them. The girls were amazing, listening to what we wanted from them and delivering in front of the camera.
Alex was a joy to work with, extremely organised and open to new ideas and suggestions. She also has the best biscuit tin!

What they said
“We decided to use School Video Production, having been online and compared lots of different films we’d seen on different school websites. The videos that we’d seen by School Video Production, the quality of the images I felt was better. They were more interesting.
We had a really useful meeting right at the beginning and we had lots of ideas about how we wanted it to run. It was really helpful for the team to say, oh, I don’t know. I’m not sure that would come across well and maybe you should do it a little bit like this. Those things really guided us.
The shoot days were quite full on. Some of them were really early in the morning. It was really great to have the team being cheerful and happy to come in really early the morning to film the rowing!
It was wonderful to watch the video for the first time. I was quite excited to see the reaction of other people in the school and it’s all been extremely positive.
I’d strongly recommend School Video Production to any other school. There are some really special aspects to the team who came. They made the children feel incredibly relaxed. Some of them really were very nervous about taking part in a film, but it was lovely to see everybody laughing and having a good time and making it fantastic. I’d recommend them to anyone”
Alexandra Dijkhuis-Communications, Policy & Development